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SB Elsinore Android

Android App for Strangebrew Elsinore

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Strangewbrew Elsinore for Android

StrangeBrew Android Application for StrangeBrew Elsinore Server

Setting Up

Please refer to Elsinore Server for the Server side setup

I have a basic Android app uploaded as well: Elsinore APK

Android App PIDAndroid App Temp

I've designed it to run on Nexus 7 tablets using Android 4.0.4+ Settings are simple, just setting the hostname/port at the moment, with a refresh rate.

There's a basic timer, I'll be adding alerts in soon.

Since this is early days development, it must be expected that there will be bugs! But please file a bug report, or better yet, a bug fix with a pull request.


Big thanks to Freddy Martens for his work on the Dial Widget.